Friday, June 15, 2012

John Dewey and Technological Experiences

The world is moving at a tremendous rate. Going no one knows where. We must prepare our children, not for the world of the past, not for our world, but for their world - the world of the future.
                                                                                      John Dewey

     These, words to live by offered by John Dewey, can be heard at the end of the Progressive education video posted below.  How strange to hear this 21st century art education mantra come from the mouth of a Progressive educator in 1945.  Have we come full circle, or are the Progressive ideas of the 1940s just now beginning to emerge?  John Dewey seemed to have a crystal ball that could see the future of technology in the 21st century and how beneficial it would be to integrate technology into learning.   Since technology has become such an integral part of lived experiences, it stands to reason that these experiences would be vital in understanding the impact of technology on the greater community. 
     One thing I like about Dewey is that he believes, through art and technology, we can find answers to social problems.   This type of problem-based pedagogy encourages us to investigate the environments surrounding us as a means of transformation. 
     I totally agree with John Dewey's belief that education should connect the interests of the child with the interests of the community, and it seems that technology could be the perfect vehicle to accomplish this.  

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